lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Courtesy translation: Google translate


J. A. Morasan *

When I wrote the book: no more death Neither neoliberalism 'only revolution', was at its peak this diabolical scheme that Pope John Paul II called "savage capitalism" with its complement, globalization; but I had no doubt that would last long under that peoples, with the support of technology and in spite of traditional media, they would take consciousness, able to impose its sovereignty over the quality of disability and the juggling of the "political" to preserve the status quo and the privileged elite.

Today we are witnessing the globalization of discontent, expressed in demonstrations and protests against the system that has come to deepen inequalities, making the rich richer and the poor poorer, eliminating the way to the "middle class".

Given this it is recalling some approaches:

The collapse of global capitalism. In 1996 the renowned economist at the Massachusetts Instituto of Technology, Lester Thurow, warned in his book "The Future of Capitalism" that the greatest threat looming over global capitalism after the implosion of the communist world was a downward spiral of stagnation general economic. "Without a viable competitor to which people can tip if you are not satisfied with his treatment of capitalism, the latter is not self-destruct. Economies Pharaonic, Roman, medieval and mandarins were not competitors and stagnated for centuries until it finally disappeared. The stagnation and the danger of implosion."

Against this grim picture, we can only alternative to survive the challenge of the collective construction of a new civilizing project, based on self-management cooperative strategies and production and consumption in the use of clean energy and the philosophy of recycling as foundations of the eco-industry's future and the establishment of direct democracy in the management of all vital issues on which can not be decided without the participation of diverse voices that make up the polyphonic choir of humanity. In short, it is a choice between self-destruction or promotion to another step in our evolutionary scale, through the waking states of consciousness and ways of living with others and with nature, firmly grounded in universal values ​​of the spirit and the truth, respect, justice and solidarity.

The prophecies of Nostradamus. Among the prophecies of Michel de Notredame (Nostradamus 1503 to 1566), French physician and astróologo, is as follows: "After a great discord among men, it approaches a much greater still: bombs fall from the sky drops as abundant as of rain scatter much innocent blood, and humanity will once again hit by cruel misfortunes that cause grief, pain and pestilence irrepressible, even by the most advanced medical science. This will happen, accurate Nostradamus, when in the sky, for the umpteenth time, appear luminous trails of the missiles."

The 2.012 and the End of the World. In his analysis of the book of Nostradamus, the writer Michael Rathford argues in his work The Nostradamus Code: World War III, we are already immersed in a time of trouble that started in 2008 and will last until 2012, coinciding precisely with the date specified in the Mayan prophecies, in which predict that the world entered a period of great change on 21 (or 22) in December 2012.

These facts would be in the last seven pages of the codex and appear to be the exact story and how it could happen when the End of the World. The researchers note that the image 66 (the first of the series) where the sun is prominently highlighting the date of the event will change the earth, 67 said that the constellation Ophiuchus or Ophiuchus, course 13 º zodiacal sign, found between Scorpio and Sagittarius, will play a key role in these events because it is right in the center of the Milky Way.

The following image shows the tree of life being attacked by a monster in addition to the eight-pointed star and the wheel of eight lines show that for many stellar alignment occurs only once every 13 thousand years, the last time that happened was 11 000 years before Christ. Finally there is the image that would give us the exact time of Revelation, at the top are three eclipses connected with a lunar eclipse, if we linked three solar eclipses lunar eclipses we have a 20-year period between 1992 until 2012, coinciding with the Mayan prophecies.

Collapse of the global capitalist system. "The combination of oil-cocktail-inflation financial crisis and social conflict = widespread hunger, goes to an inevitable outcome in this perception, in different forms" interpretative ", experts agree from the left and right to the highest authorities and economic entities and monetary "system". (Luis Bilbao, director of the magazine America XXI. Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias. ABN: 24/09/08).

The capitalist system is collapsing. "What has happened is that banks fell, fell the argument and ideology with which the imperialists have been dominating in recent years." No financial system is falling. The collapse of the financial system is an expression of the collapse of the capitalist system. " (Luis Bilbao. EFE - Berlin - 25/09/2008).

The German government predicts the end of America as "great power of the financial system." "German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrück, said today that the U.S. will" lose its status as a major power in the international financial system "because of the serious crisis affecting the international markets." (The 09 / 25/08).

Iran predicted "the end of American empire." Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sidestepped all subtlety in his speech yesterday before the UN General Assembly in New York, and said that "the American empire" is nearing its collapse. ( 26/09/2008).

Nicolas Sarkozy wants to "refound capitalism" for what we shall call "the world's top leaders" before the end of the year to rebuild "from scratch", the international financial system, as was done in the Bretton Woods conference after World War II (which adopted the dollar as international currency). Back from New York, French President spoke yesterday in Toulon, wrapped by members of the government and deputies of the majority in power, his expected speech on the economic situation and said the crisis is not over. "The consequences will be lasting, it will affect growth, employment and purchasing power," he said. "Self-regulation to solve the problems are over," he said. ( - 21/04/08).

The 10 commandments of Evo Morales to save the Planet, Life and Humanity. In speech on Bolivian President Evo Morales at the UN, said: "It is impossible that capitalism will turn the land into a commodity mother .. if not just the capitalist system will be impossible to save the earth," declared the president to a close ovation. (Prensa Latina - United Nations, Sept. 24).

Speech by Cuban First Vice President at the UN. Cuba reiterates its willingness to continue, along with all members of the Non-Aligned Movement, the battle for a better world, which respects the right of all peoples for justice and development.

Conclude by recalling the words of the Commander in Chief of the Cuban Revolution, comrade Fidel Castro Ruz: "A world without hunger is possible (...) A just world is possible. A new world, which is entitled amply our species, is possible and will happen. "(

The Nobel Prize in Economics Joseph E. Stiglitz, former World Bank vice president, has written about the end of neoliberalism: "Neo-liberalism, that grab-bag of ideas based on the fundamentalist notion that markets are self-correcting, allocate resources efficiently and serve the public interest well . Was this market fundamentalism that underlay Thatcherism, Reaganomics and the so-called "Washington consensus" in favor of privatization and liberalization, and independent central banks focusing exclusively on inflation.
For 25 years there has been a struggle between developing countries and it is clear that the losers have been those that applied neoliberal policies. They lost the bet and growth, which itself was growing, profits were (to stop) disproportionately to the privileged. "(

World Bank President Robert Zoellick. He warned in a recent speech in Washington, on the serious threats of social unrest in 33 countries in the world, because of the progressive rise in food and energy.

"Since 2005, prices of staples have jumped as much as 80%. Last month, the real price of rice hit a 19-year high, the price

Real wheat rose to the highest level of the last 28 years, almost twice the average of the 25 preceding years, "said Zoellick.

"At least 33 countries are exposed to social unrest" because of soaring food prices and energy "with the seriousness that in many countries most of the consumption of the poor is in these areas. He concludes with the phrase: "The Apocalypse will be hunger." Though not entertaining to point out the real causes. "(El Periodico New Approach. Jamorasan article yet).

Loretta Napoleoni, Italian economist, in his article Farewell to the Iron Lady, said: "Shortly after it went bankrupt socialism, neoliberalism has also fallen to pieces. Overwhelmed by such a cataclysmic event, governments use the economy as the fire hose: spray water where there is more fire, trying to save what could be saved. Clear that his mission is to stop the spread of fire, to rebuild what was burning. Architects and engineers would be required to do so, but are not available "( 05/09/2009).

Of course, these predictions should not lead to resignation to sit back and wait for changes or events occur, as it refers to: "the crisis is the best ally of the proletariat to fulfill its revolutionary mission. But it is not a spontaneous or mechanical, but as a result of the development of their consciousness and their struggles.”

Struggle, as we see, has already begun and each day grows and expands here and there, despite the government crackdown on the decline.

"United for global change" is the motto of transnational protest Oct. 15. Networks around the world prepare for the meeting with different intensities. (Rise: 05/10/11).

J. A. Morasan, graduate in International Relations, author of the book: “Neither neoliberalism nor more death, 'just revolution."

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